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Psychology Section - StorEntrep

The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.
- Carl Rogers

We as general public be it physicist, scientist, engineers etc thrive to know ourselves and our world around us better at every stage and age of our life. After struggling this attempt we end-up reaching unsatisfactory and incomplete answers to questions that remain the basic core of our existence and adjust to the puzzle as if it is a complete picture. Thus, compromising a fulfilling and a happy life

StorEntrep in its very first attempt is trying to bring here for the general public all those aspects of life that we as humans live from birth to death which we have never thought of attempting to evaluate from the objective lenses of the science of psychology. Every minute phenomenon, be it the first sensation or the uniquely human characteristic of thought, if gets evaluated by each and every person in his daily life with psychology we might begin living in much enriched life with a greater depth of enlightenment.

With this cause in mind StorEntrep is inviting readers to come to our pages and begin learning a new way of looking into each and every detail of our life in a scientific manner. Lets us begin the journey of becoming a much better mentally healthy person and contribute to community positively.

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